Author (s):Manzhula A. A.
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Industrial Law
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical
University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 1(3):93-104
The article analyzes the views of scientists on the issue of liability. The author’s definition of the responsibility of research institutions.The attention absence of a single legal act, which would define the characteristic of such institutions responsible. It outlined the range of issues of improving accountability of research institutions.
It is proposed to understand under the responsibility of research institutions the means of state influence coercion on illegal actions of research institutions to prevent abuse last principle of legality, and if such a violation – to end illegal acts, restore violated rights and citizens’ legitimate interests and rights.
In legal literature as the classic types of legal liability under the laws of Ukraine adopted a differentiated: Administrative responsibility; Disciplinary responsibility; Criminal liability;Civil liability;Constitutional responsibility;International legal responsibility;Financial responsibility.
Research institutions are legal entities with different legal form and ownership. The common feature of driving their activity – scientific research for the sake of scientific results. However, these institutions as entities may in its activities violate the established rules of functioning of various public institutions. And if these violations infringe on the established order by the law, they entail occurrence adequate liability. First of all it is necessary to determine which violations can be detected in the activities of research institutions, and thus to the kinds of responsibilities they can be drawn.
Key words: research institution, the responsibility of improving the problem, types of legal liability, citizens’ legitimate interests and rights, law.
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