Author (s): Nishchymna S.
Work place:
Nishchymna S.,
Doctor of Sciences of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Economic Law and Process Faculty of Law,
Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine, Chernihiv, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-7424-7688
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2025 No 1 (24): 70-78
The article examines the legal nature of the writ of execution and the conditions for its execution. The author considered the differentiating features of the executive inscription, which distinguishes the executive inscription from deeds. It is impossible not to ignore the fact that the execution of an executive writ, as well as the conclusion of a contract, can be concluded only in the absence of a dispute between the parties. In addition, the executive inscription and the contract have their own time limit, that is, they are fixed-term. However, the essential differences are, firstly, that the contract is concluded to regulate relations between the parties in order to prevent violations of their interests in the future. Executive inscription, in turn, when the rights and interests of the creditor have already been violated, thus representing a way of restoring the violated rights.
The author draws attention to the fact that the writ of execution is a worthy alternative to the process of judicial protection, which is more complex in terms of content, however, despite the positive features of the writ of execution, the concept of writ of execution is not established in the legislation.
The article defines the conditions for making an executive inscription and analyses their procedural features, such as determination by a notary whether a document is included in the List of documents for which debt collection is carried out indisputably on the basis of executive inscriptions of notaries; compliance with the statutory deadlines; verification of all documents required for making an executive inscription, which confirm the existence of an obligation and its indisputability; verification of the absence of objections by the debtor.
Keywords: executive inscription, contractual structures, conditions for making an executive inscription, enforcement proceedings, extrajudicial protection.
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