Author (s): Marushchak N., Zaprudska S.
Work place:
Marushchak N.,
PhD in Law, Associate professor,
Associate professor at the Department of State and Law Theory
and History, Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law,
Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine,
Chernihiv, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-9636-6274
Zaprudska S.,
a student of the 127th academic group,
Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine, Chernihiv, Ukraine
ORCID: 0009-0000-9668-9292
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2025 No 1 (24): 57-69
This article analyzes the provision of rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens under martial law. The full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation in 2022 complicated the human rights situation. Martial law led to restrictions on freedom of movement, strikes, and other civil rights necessary to preserve democratic values.
The article emphasizes the importance of international human rights standards for shaping Ukraine’s national legislation. The article identifies several contemporary legal challenges, including legal uncertainty arising from rapid legislative changes, overburdening of state authorities, military structures, and the justice system. The problem of insufficient monitoring of human rights compliance during wartime, which often leads to abuses by law enforcement agencies and other state structures, is highlighted.
Particular attention is paid to corruption risks associated with resource utilization during wartime, exemplified by wasteful expenditure of budget funds and misuse of property.
The issue of insufficient public awareness about their rights under martial law is also highlighted, which contributes to rights violations and weakens their protection. Insufficient awareness often results in people not understanding their rights in the context of martial law restrictions, such as limitations on freedom of movement or property seizures. The need to intensify state policy to clarify legislative changes, especially those related to rights restrictions and guarantees that remain inviolable even during wartime, is noted.
Ways to improve mechanisms for protecting citizens’ rights and increasing the effectiveness of implementing legal norms during emergency periods are proposed.
Keywords: ensuring rights and freedoms of citizens, martial law, international human rights standards, restrictions on rights under martial law.
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